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Recent Publications

Gaskell, Daniel E., Matthew Huber, Charlotte L. O’Brien, Gordon N. Inglis, R. Paul Acosta, Christopher J. Poulsen, Pincelli M. Hull, 2022. The latitudinal temperature gradient and its climate dependence as inferred from foraminiferal δ18O over the past 95 million years. PNAS 119-11 (e2111332119).

Gaskell, Daniel E., Pincelli M. Hull, 2019. Symbiont arrangement and metabolism can explain high δ13C in Eocene planktonic foraminifera. Geology 47-12 (1156-1160).

Gaskell, Daniel E., Mark D. Ohman, Pincelli M. Hull, 2019. Zooglider-based measurements of planktonic foraminifera in the California Current System. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 49-4 (390-404).


Online δ18O-temperature converter, developed by Gaskell, Daniel E., 2023. (publication in press)

Ichthyolith Taxonomy Database, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, developed by Gaskell, Daniel E., 2014.